Easilycreateupdatemaintainmanagestandards-compliant data dictionaries
A tool of bSDD – buildingSMART Data Dictionary
Alive your dictionaries
with Semantics4BIM …
Full compliance with standards ISO 23386, ISO 23387 and ISO 12006-3.
From submission to review, a complete workflow ensures the quality of the information.
Intuitive navigation in dictionaries, browse dictionary content in a structured way.
Version control integrated the traceability of every update and modification in dictionaries.
OpenAPI for developers and software vendors, we embrace OpenBIM together.
Roles and area of competence work together. Collaboratively create, update, and maintain dictionaries.

Full compliance with standards ISO 23386, ISO 23387 and ISO 12006-3.
ISO 23386
Building information modelling and other digital processes used in construction — Methodology to describe, author and maintain properties in interconnected data dictionaries
ISO 23387
Building information modelling (BIM) — Data templates for construction objects used in the life cycle of built assets — Concepts and principles
ISO 12006-3
Building construction — Organization of information about construction works — Part 3: Framework for object-oriented information
Intuitive navigation in dictionaries, browse data in a structured and visual way
Hierarchical view
A structured representation of the relationships and connections between classes or attributes
List view
A flat list provides an overview of the dictionary and an index of its contents
Graph view
A 2D interactive graph provides a simple and intuitive view of the dictionary
A complete workflow ensures the quality of the information
Contributors can easily edit and submit, leading to the evolution of the dictionary
Experts collaborate to evaluate and review the request, approve with expertise
Manage the contents of dictionaries by role and area of competence